Run BTS!: The Variety Show That Captivated Millions "Run BTS!" is a beloved South Korean variety show featuring the world-renowned K-pop group BTS. Since its inception in 2015, the show has been a significant pillar in the BTS universe, offering fans a unique, behind-the-scenes look at the personalities of RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook. What started as a fun side project has evolved into a cultural phenomenon, drawing millions of viewers with each episode and cementing BTS’s place not only in the music industry but also in entertainment as a whole. The Genesis of Run BTS! "Run BTS!" debuted on August 1, 2015, on the V Live app, a popular platform for South Korean celebrities to broadcast live videos and engage with their fans. The show was initially conceived as a way to bridge the gap between BTS and their global fanbase, known as ARMY, by showcasing the members' playful and competitive sides in various games and challenges. Over time, the sho...